
Explore our Illustration work

Vintage Kart Co.

Back in December of 2014 a bunch of friends met at the home of the Godfather of Cyclekart Racing, Dennis Thomas, to see something we have never even heard of. This really cool guy had a garage full of hand-built, 1920s-inspired, 2/3 scale, totally awesome, open wheel racers. You know, the kind that ran in…

Oregano’s Original Branding

C’mon, you’ve been here, right? The music, the smell of fresh roasted garlic, always friendly service and heaping amounts of tasty food pretty much cover all the bases. This neighborhood joint was created back in the mid 90’s from a lot of passion and a desire to honor the owner’s parents, who both died from…

Luxury Home Concierge

Some people put up their Christmas lights with a staple gun, and others hire a company like Luxury Home Concierge to professionally make your house look like the north pole. Ok, they do a lot more important stuff, like fix a leak while you’re on vacation, put your patio furniture into storage, or handle small…

Top Shelf Branding

Top Shelf Mexican Food & Cantina is a straight up old school Mexican place. They have lard in their beans, a big menu, two locations in Phoenix and now a new logo that reflects what you get when you walk in the door… a great chimi and some home cookin’. Well, if your home was…

Artisan Brand Design

Artisan Colour has been in the Scottsdale Airpark for 20 years. They’re a great shop that provides a wide array of high level printing, photohgraphy and storage services and a staff that know their business. Artisan engaged Free Range for a brand refresh after thinking that after almost 20 years… it was probably time. We…

Orangutan Branding

Looking to break into a crowded HVAC repair and installation market in Phoenix, Orangutan Home Services was created to play off the success of Home Depot’s brand colors. An orangutan was used for a light-hearted approach, and it worked. We developed custom illustrated versions to portray different services and gave them a full branding package,…